Capitalism as we know and abuse it is simply "done" - put a fork in it.
As we're seeing, give these jokers bailout money to save the biz and they simply take it home, put it in their overseas bank and the money disappears - just like wages sent overseas and all our other corporate welfare breaks.
The US's wealth has been smuggled to foreign banks with secrecy laws (which is a legal loophole that Congressmen abuse else they would eliminate it), just like the Nazis did in WW2 with money stolen from Jews. Most went into Switzerland, who later returned about 50 BILLION of this money to Israel, but decades later (and likely under international pressure).
What they don't tell us: wealth transfers between nations are what make them poor or wealthy, and the US got 60% of the world's gold from 1912-1933 in exchange for ARMS we exported to all sides in both wars!
NOW we'll have to see if the fascist wealth owners can complete a dictatorship by the autocracy (if they haven't already) or if the people will fight for freedom once again and change the system.
From 30 Rock:
"..this is our party's ongoing war against the poor" ('GE executive' Baldwin)
"don't you mean 'war against poverty?'" (Tina Fey)
"whatever... " (Baldwin)
This is sad but true, they're trying genocide on poor people once again.
In France, remember that they simply killed the wealthy, (18,000 of em with no discretion, they even killed supporters, incl. the inventor of the guillotine itself!); in Cuba they just kicked the U.S. out, took back the corporate property, and divided up the wealth and every man, woman, and child got free education, healthcare, housing, (even 'basic food'! this was on NPR about 2 wks ago, you don't even pay for bread, rice, milk, etc - so NO ONE goes hungry) - and four acres of land.
So who cares about free speech or even needs it? (do we have it when corporations own all the media anyway?) That doesn't pay for my appendectomy or my mom's nursing home. WE'll NEVER get all that here, the corporations will show enough losses that NO ONE below them can ever get ahead now - WE'VE BEEN HAD, they've figured out a way to STEAL OUR FUTURE WEALTH as well.
Sometimes we think we have freedom, but if stuck without a job or money, how free are we? So I'm free to think or criticize the system, whoopee! It's a false freedom anyway, advocate revolution (changing the system that has failed) then it's "sedition" and suddenly a crime!
Today they'd have to lock up Thomas Jefferson, he advocated a new revolution every twenty years, "by each new generation", lest "the government become tyrcannical and unresponsive to the people."
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