Cellar Heat Blogger
This is a blog built to test the Cellar Heat template from Smashing Magazine, the Jimmy Oh dark version. We will try various types of imported posts with this template.

Income and Bond Funds

Domestic and Global Income
AGG = Agressive bond
BIL = 1-3 Month T-Bills
BWX = Int'l Treasury Bonds
CSY = Lehman 1-3 yr
DVY = Dow Select Dividend
GHI = Global High Income
GIF = Global Income Fund
HYG = High yield corporate bond
IEI = Lehman 3-7 yr
IEF = Lehman 7-10 yr
ITE = Intermediate term treasury
LAG = Agressive Bond
MUB = National Muni Bond
PCY = Emrg Mkts Sovereign Debt
PFF = U.S. Preferred Stock
SDY = Dividend
TIP = Treasury Inflation Protected
TLH = Lehman 10-20 yr
TLO = Long-term treasury (20 yr+)

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About Me

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Artist, photographer, composer, author, blogger, metaphysician, herbalist